The Blog
What to Look for When Touring a Nursing Home or Long-Term Care Facility
Choosing a nursing home or long-term care facility can be overwhelming. Get our expert tips on what to look for when touring a nursing home or care facility.
Basic Self Care Tips for Caregivers
Being a caregiver for an aging loved one isn’t easy, no matter how much you love them. Get our best self-care ideas for caregivers that you can try today.
Is Mom Safe at Home?
Wondering, “Is mom safe at home?” Learn more about making this decision and how to help keep aging loved ones at home safely for longer. Read now.
How a trip to the shoe store changed everything
One of my clients had some difficulties with walking, specifically her feet. I noticed that every time I visited her, she had different shoes on. On our next visit I told her that we were going to take a trip to the shoe store. She was very much against leaving...
What might seem small to us, is not to our clients
One of our young clients has special needs. In the past he has had to go to the hospital frequently to get his blood drawn. When it’s time to get in the car, he knows where they are going and immediately dreads it. The entire process is a traumatic event not...
How we support our clients leaving the hospital
One of our clients went into the hospital for an outpatient procedure. We were aware this was happening and offered to come alongside them as part of our Hospital to Home service. This means we were fully prepared to show up to the hospital with our patient to help...
Going Above and Beyond For our Clients
We find ourselves doing things that I wouldn't necessarily advertise that we do for a service. But we can’t help but be intimately involved in our clients’ day to day activities. Recently, I was at one of my client’s houses and I noticed how beautiful her...
How To Take A Vacation When You’re a Caregiver
I got a call a week ago from the daughter of an aging parent. She called because she thought her mom would be able to handle the fact that her family was going on a once-in-a-lifetime biking trip to Europe while her mom stayed home. The closer the date got to...
How We Support Aging Couples
In our work, we often end up working with and caring for married couples. Most elderly married couples we work with act like a unit. We notice that they learn from each other quite a bit. At times, one leans on the other a little bit more than the other does. We’ve...
How We Stick By Our Client’s Side
She knew the road she chose would be hard and she wanted me by her side for it. She was my client for five years. We had many talks over the years; about life, hobbies, family, marriage, babies, funny memories, hard moments, favorite recipes, people we liked and...
Providing our Clients with Comfortable Care
There’s a gentleman who has an indwelling catheter that we provide care for. One night his catheter was clogged. When this happened, he decided to call me. He couldn’t have called a home health care agency since this happened after hours. But I was able to answer, and...
The Importance of Care At Home
During my first few months working with Navigate, I’ve been able to reflect on moving from working at a hospital to caring for people in their homes. Since I’ve made this transition, there have been a couple of instances recently that have really made me realize just...
Helping our Clients Cross Off Their Bucket Lists
We have a client who is an avid movie lover and wanted to attend our annual music festival in town. I knew he had family in town that was willing and capable to take him to the festival, but not on opening night. I was asking him some questions about the logistics of...
An Assisted Living Alternative: Dream to Reality
I remember the first time I thought to myself “we can do better.” I could take you to the exact place I was standing. I was a young girl; early teens. My whole life I have spent time in nursing homes. Whether it be to sing Christmas Carols with the Girl Scout...
What You Need to Know About the Death Process
We’re on a mission to help older adults age well and support their loved ones in the process. We recently shared a content series, educating about death, its processes, and how we offer support during this time. Here’s the recap of our series! Death is Not The Enemy...
Meet Our Practice Manager and Nurse Navigator, John McNeely
We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce John McNeely, RN, BSN, CEN, as our new Practice Manager and Nurse Navigator for Navigate Wellness! John has been in the healthcare industry for over 30 years. His background includes time serving as a combat medic, EMT,...
Here’s How We Relate to Our Clients
I was sitting with a client who lives with dementia one day in her room. She is already to the stage where language is hard for her, so a lot of our communication is non-verbal; touch, eye contact, head nods, smiles. I was pointing out some things in her room...
How We Transform Client Lives One Step at a Time
I recently got a call from a gentleman who retired and already had several comorbidities such as diabetes, being a smoker, and vascular disease. He even noticed his health declining. He Found himself only getting off the couch three times a day because he couldn't...
Here’s How We Allow Our Clients to Have a Voice Before They Can’t
I meet with one of my clients and his wife twice a week every week. Sometimes we talk about the Chiefs, sometimes we talk about completely random things. Something that he didn’t love talking about first, but is okay talking about now, is death. No one ever loves when...
How We Help Our Clients With Every Aging Detail
I have a patient who was getting multiple lumbar punctures and over time, they discovered through scans that he had a small collection of fluid in his cranial space. These scans were all completed before we worked together so I unfortunately didn’t have access to the...
How We Practice Humane Care
There's something about the way I practice now that allows for my life and a client's life to be intertwined. For example, some of my clients now have a vested interest in my kids! I had a client who has since passed that my kids would make cards for and make...
How We Support Your Aging Loved Ones
Nothing better communicates our services than sharing real life stories of working with our clients There is no shortage of unique and strange skills I have developed in my years of working with older adults. Like, did you know there is a USPS Protocol on shipping...
How We Personalize Care For Your Loved One
This is Just One Way We Humanize Healthcare Nothing better communicates our services than sharing real life stories of working with our clients I got a call that an aging adult had recently moved to independent living, and quickly it became apparent she had no social...
Our Aging Road Map in Real Life – How We Help Patients With Memory Issues
Nothing better communicates our services than sharing real life stories of working with our clients I spend my Monday’s catching up with one of our clients with short term memory issues. We take drives together on his golf cart, say hi to the neighbors, and hear...
When Doctor’s Don’t Communicate and The System Moves Too Slow
Nothing better communicates our services than sharing real life stories of working with our clients. I have a client who spent COVID isolated from his medical team. His primary care provider, cardiologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, and GI specialist had not seen...
Created with you in mind
Local Experts in Aging + Resources at Your Fingertips
Scheduling & oversight of needed services
Going to doctor’s appointments
Prescribed exercise
Managing calendars
Wound care
COVID-19 testing
Creating a plan of care
Mediation among family members
Goal setting & accountability
Buying groceries
Dealing with insurance companies
Medication reconciliation
Communication with health providers
Advising on healthcare decisions
Virtual & in-person home visits
Managing medication
Health assessments & more

We promise to be transparent.
We promise to be by your side.
We promise to humanize healthcare.
Whether you are looking to gain a nurse in the family or find support for an aging loved one, we are here for you.