Six Factors of Aging Well

A woman puts her arm around an elderly woman's shoulders

How to Age Well

At Navigate Wellness, our mission is to help you age well and live your fullest life. But what does that mean and how do you actually do that? 

In over the decade of experience we have spent working with aging adults, we have come to notice something common. People settle for mediocrity. We have met the fiercest people. Women who went to medical school before they were even letting people in. Men who were so impactful in our community that their obituary took up an entire page in the local newspaper.

So why, when people get to a certain age, do they lose that vigor? That drive? That spark? Why do they stop doing what they love? 

They lived life thriving, but slowly they stopped thinking that was possible. We take it as our personal mission to show aging adults that they don’t have to quit living the life they love because they’re aging. 

The actual definition of thrive is: “grow or develop well, or vigorously” and “to prosper or flourish.” Our society, norms, commercials, etc. would lead you to believe that is the exact opposite definition of aging. Right? Well, we don’t buy that. We’re from the show-me state, and we intend to dedicate our life, energy, career, money and positive vibes to show-everyone that our best years are not behind us. Our best years are now, no matter how many years you’ve racked up.

We know it might be a cliché, but a cliché that is not said enough: You are never too old to do anything!

You are never too old to start being healthy. You are never too old to make plans. You are never too old to start working out. You are never too old to change your diet. You are never too old to make friends. You are never too old to find you and do what you want! 

We’re here to help you believe that no matter what age, you can be successful in living your life to the fullest. 

What You Can Do Today to Age Well

  1. YOU
    Who are you? What makes you happy? What do you like to do? What do you want to do? 
  2. Wellness
    Wellness is the active pursuit of overall good health. Aging is not and should not be all about healthcare, diagnosis management and doctor’s appointments. But, you have to keep up on this in order to do the things you want to do. Proactive health and wellness plans are a must to healthy aging. 
  1. Active Body
    You’ve got to move that body! The American Heart Association recommends at least 160 minutes a week. Half cardio, half weight resistance. P.S. cardio is feeling breathless (not necessarily running a marathon) and weight resistance can be your body weight (not necessarily bodybuilding).
  1. Healthy Eating
    Be mindful of what you are putting into your body. But note that everybody is different. An active and continued pursuit of what is ideal for you is important to how you feel when trying to do the things you want. Nourish your body.
  1. Social Health
    This is a big one. The number one problem with aging adults is that no one talks about  loneliness. People are lonely so they stop eating meals, they stop being active, they stop doing things they like … because they don’t have anyone to do those things with. We’re not suggesting if you’ve always been an introvert to get in a social cocoon and emerge as a social butterfly, but you HAVE to be intentional about interacting with people. People who are good for you. People who make your soul well. People who celebrate you for exactly who you are. If you have logged many years and still haven’t found those people …You guessed it, it’s not too late! 
  1. Active Mind
    Have you ever heard “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it?” While this is not likely the cause of dementia, it is true. The more neurons you have firing, the more likely you are to have continued use of that wonderful brain of yours. This includes puzzles, reading, learning new skills (both mentally and physically), creativity, really anything that is using your brain. If you have ever said out loud “this makes my brain hurt” that means it is working parts that it doesn’t normally work and you are firing neurons you don’t normally fire. Seek out things to do often (at least once a week) that make your brain hurt. You will be glad you did.

How can we help you live your fullest life? 

Connect with one of our health advocates to see how we can best help you or your loved ones age well and feel their best.


August 3, 2021

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